2009 Awards
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The International Dose-Response Society is proud to announce the recipients of the annual awards for Outstanding Leadership, Outstanding Career Achievement and Outstanding New Investigator. These awards are presented to individuals in each category who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Dose Response. Congratulations to all!
2009 Outstanding New Investigator: Regina Belz
Dr. Belz studied Agricultural Engineering with specialization in plant production at the University of Hohenheim (1992-1998), in Stuttgart, Germany. Her diploma thesis dealt with the release of phytotoxins from plant mulches and its use for practical weed control. This was the first time she encounted with dose-response studies and the phenomenon of hormesis caused by ...
2009 Outstanding Career Achievement: Ludwig Feinendegen
Feinendegen, Ludwig Emil, M.D. Internal Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Biology.
Education: Cologne University, Germany, M.D. 1947-52. – Postgraduate medical training in Germany and USA, 1952-58 (Ventnor Foundation 1953-55).
Current Position: Professor (emeritus), Nuclear Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany, 1993- . – Research Collaborator, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, 1998-.
Research Areas: Molecular nuclear medicine, radiation-biology. – ...
2009 Outstanding Leadership Award: Jim Muckerheide
Massachusetts State Nuclear Engineer – since 1990
President, Radiation, Science, and Health – since 1996
Co-Director, Center for Nuclear Technology and Society at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA – 1997-2006
Mr. Muckerheide was Senior Engineer and Project Manager in design, construction, safety analysis, licensing, and environmental and health effects for nuclear power; he was an independent consultant ...