2014 Awards
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The International Dose-Response Society is proud to announce the recipients of the annual awards for Outstanding Career Achievement and Outstanding Leadership. These awards are presented to individuals in each category who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Dose Response.
This year’s awards go to: Mark P Mattson for Outstanding Career Achievement; Rehana K. Leak for Outstanding New Investigator; and Mohan Doss for Outstanding Leadership. Congratulations to all. Congratulations to all.
2014 Outstanding Leadership Award: Mohan Doss
Dr. Mohan Doss received BSc degree in Physics from Madras University, India and his MSc degree in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. He obtained MS and PhD degrees in Physics from Carnegie-Mellon University. After 10 years of post-doctoral research in USA and Canada, he became a Medical Physicist in the Nuclear ...
2014 Outstanding New Investigator Award: Rehana Leak
Rehana Leak is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at Duquesne University and studies stress-induced adaptations or toxicity in models of neurodegeneration. Dr. Leak was trained in Neuroscience at Barnard College (B.A., graduated magna cum laude with Phi Beta Kappa induction) and the University of Pittsburgh (M.S., Ph.D., National Science Foundation graduate scholarship). Following a brief ...
2014 Outstanding Career Achievement Award: Mark P. Mattson
After receiving his PhD degree from the University of Iowa, Dr. Mattson completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Developmental Neuroscience at Colorado State University. He then joined the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine where he advanced to Full Professor.
In 2000, Dr. Mattson took the position of Chief of the ...