Award Criteria
Award Criteria
The Executive Committee of the International Dose-Response Society has created an annual award of excellence for outstanding work in the field of low dose-response in the following three areas: Outstanding Career Achievement, Outstanding New Investigator and Outstanding Leadership. This award serves to identify and recognize scientists, scholars, and teachers who have contributed to a deeper understanding of the relationships between “dose and response” and/or to the distribution of that understanding to others. The awards are presented at our annual conference on, Dose-Response: Implications for Toxicology, Medicine, and Risk Assessment, at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst.
Guidelines for this award are as follows:
Outstanding Career Achievement
- Significance of contribution to a field of science or engineering (as assessed by recognition by peers in the field, e.g., membership in NAS, NAE, professional societies). Focus on low dose response
- Level of contributions (as assessed by number of authored articles and/or books).
- Assumption of responsibilities (as assessed by positions held in academia, public sector, private sector)
- Longevity of contributions (as assessed by years of productivity)
Volunteerism (as assessed by contributions to charitable organizations, not-for-profit groups, etc.) - Educational contributions aimed at distributing information about low dose responses to other groups (as assessed by teaching, public presentations and/or publications aimed at communicating the importance of low dose to scientists and practitioner in other fields.)
Outstanding Leadership
- Assumption of responsibilities such as directing a committee group (e.g. AIHA´s ERPG committee, SOT´s Risk Assessment Subsection etc.)
- Years of service
- Number of publications in peer reviewed journals, low dose response focus
- Positions held in academia or industry
- Educational contributions aimed at distributing information about low dose responses to other groups (as assessed by teaching, public presentations and/or publications aimed at communicating the importance of low dose to scientists and practitioner in other fields.)
Outstanding New Investigator
- Relevancy of research to low dose response
- Recommendation from mentor(s)
- Membership in professional societies
- Indicators of promising career direction