About Us

The International Dose-Response Society is dedicated to the enhancement, exchange, and dissemination of ongoing global research in hormesis, a dose-response phenomenon characterized by low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. Formed to promote and expand on the scientific understanding of low-level effects, the International Dose-Response Society will provide leadership across an array of fields for the integrated assessment of dose-response relationships, strongly working to encourage the assessment of the implications of hormesis in such fields as toxicology, pharmacology, medicine, neuroscience, immunology, developmental biology, ecology, biostatistics, epidemiology, occupational and environmental medicine, genetics, radiation biology, physiology, risk assessment, risk communication, and public policy.

International Dose-Response Society Provisional By-Laws
Article I: Purpose

The International Dose-Response Society (ID-RS) is a scientific society dedicated to achieving a greater understanding of biological dose-response relationships and their implications for science and society.  Originally named the International Hormesis Society (IHS), the primary focus of ID-RS is to explore the nature of the dose-response in the low-dose zone along with its underlying mechanisms.  The Mission Statement of ID-RS is posted on the ID-RS Website (http://www.Dose-Response.org).

Article II: Administration

Section 1: Governing Authority.  ID-RS is administered by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass).  Its offices are maintained in the Environmental Health Sciences Program at the School of Public Health at UMass.  Administrative and financial policies of UMass take precedence in the administration of ID-RS.

Section 2:  Administrators.  The principal administrator of ID-RS is the Director.  Professor Edward J. Calabrese has agreed to serve as Director of IHS through the five- to seven-year developmental period covered in these provisional by-laws.  In the event of a vacancy in the position of Director, responsibility for the identification of a new Director resides in the Executive/Steering Committee.

Section 3:  Executive / Steering Committee (ESC).   Guidance of ID-RS planning and business resides in an Executive / Steering Committee (ESC).  The ESC exercises all powers of ID-RS, except those powers designated to others as specified in ID-RS by-laws.  At the founding of ID-RS, an ESC of eleven members from the vicinity of UMass was appointed by the Director so as to combine diverse scientific expertise and facilitate regular meetings at UMass during the formative stages of IHS.  The Director is a voting member of the ESC.

Section 4:  Provisional By-Laws, Maturation, and Transition in Governance.  IHS was founded at the University of Massachusetts in January 2005 with Edward J. Calabrese as its Director and Alfred J. Sorensen as its Managing Director.  In June 2007 its name was changed to the International Dose-Response Society based on a unanimous vote by the ESC.  The first priority of ID-RS is the pursuit of the scientific goals identified in Article I: Purpose. The current by-laws are provisional, in that they are intended to guide ID-RS through an approximately five to seven-year developmental period in which the ESC is comprised, for logistical reasons, of individuals from the geographic vicinity of UMass.  Electoral procedures of the ESC, responsibilities of ESC members, and terms of appointment will be developed by committees appointed by the ESC and presented to the membership for approval at an Annual Business Meeting of ID-RS.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Membership Privileges.  All ID-RS members receive electronic mailings on ID-RS developments, an electronic subscription to the journal Dose-Response, the ID-RS e-Newsletter, and reduced registration fees for the annual ID-RS conference.

Section 2: Individual Membership.  The membership of the Society consists of scientists and other persons who share an interest in biological dose-response relationships.  The membership is multidisciplinary, drawing most heavily from such fields as toxicology, pharmacology, medicine, neuroscience, immunology, developmental biology, ecology, biostatistics, epidemiology, occupational and environmental medicine, genetics, radiation biology, physiology, risk assessment, risk communication, and public policy.  All individuals with a professional interest in dose-response relationships are eligible for membership.  Applicants for membership must complete a membership application form that is available from the ID-RS Website or the Society’s Managing Director.  Applications should be mailed to the International Dose-Response Society, Environmental Health Sciences Program, Morrill I, Room N344, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA.

Section 3: Student Membership. Persons engaged in full-time study are eligible for a student membership with reduced membership dues.  To qualify for student membership, a student must provide documentation of status as a student each year. Student Members have all privileges of membership.  Student members may continue their membership at dues intermediate between the student and individual rates for up to three years after completing a degree program.

Section 4: Emeritus Membership. Any member who has reached the age of 65 or has retired will receive Emeritus status with reduced membership dues.  Emeritus members have full privileges of membership.

Section 5: Sustaining Members and Corporate Sponsors. ID-RS values the support of industry, private foundations, and other organizations and individuals with an interest in achieving a greater understanding of dose-response relationships.  Two separate categories of membership exist to acknowledge such sponsors, designated as Sustaining Members and Corporate Sponsors. Sustaining Members and Corporate Sponsors are acknowledged on the ID-RS Website and in the program of the ID-RS annual conference and meeting.  The categories of Sustaining Member and Corporate Sponsor confer neither voting privileges nor administrative roles in ID-RS.

Section 6: Membership List. A membership list that includes the names, addresses, and contact information of all current members is maintained by the Managing Director.

Article IV:  Meetings

Section 1:  Annual Scientific Conference.  The location and time of the ID-RS conference is subject to change with the needs of ID-RS but typically convenes at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in June.  The dates and location of ID-RS meetings are communicated to the ID-RS membership at least eight months prior to the meeting.

Section 2:  Business meetings.   A business meeting of the membership will be held at least once during each calendar year.  So as to have maximum participation, the Business meeting is scheduled during the ID-RS annual scientific conference. The Director, or in his/her absence, the Chair of the ESC will preside.  The Managing Director will serve as secretary or appoint a secretary for the recording of minutes.  Proceedings of ID-RS business meetings will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 3:  Meetings of the Executive / Steering Committee (ESC).  The ESC shall meet at such times and places as may be fixed by the Director or by resolution of the ESC.  One such meeting will be held in conjunction with the annual business meeting of the members to ensure responsiveness to the membership 

Section 4:  Notice.    The date, time, and location of the ID-RS Business Meeting, which takes place at the Annual Scientific Conference, is specified within the Program of the Annual Scientific Conference at the time that the program is first publicly available.  The date, time, and location of ESC meetings are communicated to members of the ESC at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Section 5: Voting and Proxies.  Each ID-RS member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of members.  No proxy votes are accepted at business meetings of the membership.  Each ESC member is entitled to one vote in ESC meetings, which may be cast in person or by written or electronic proxy filed with the Managing Director at least 48 hours before the meeting.  When a quorum (i.e., a simple majority) is present at any meeting, the vote by a majority of those voting will decide any question brought before such meeting, except where a requirement for a two-thirds majority is specified in the by-laws.

Section 6: Vacancies.  Any vacancy occurring in the ESC may be filled by nomination of the Director and an affirmation vote of a majority of the remaining members of the ESC.

Article V:  Committees

Section 1.  Committee Structure.  ID-RS standing committees and ad hoc committees are appointed by the ESC and report to the Director and the ESC.  Volunteers from the membership are solicited in ID-RS broadcast emails sent out to the membership-at-large.  The charge of each committee, defined by the ESC, is given to the committee chair in writing at the time of appointment.  The ESC is authorized to create new standing committees as needed.

Section 2.  Standing Committees.  The ESC will consider creating the following committees over the initial five to seven-year period: 1) Archives Committee;  2) Annual Scientific Conference, Program, & Exhibits Advisory Committee;  3) Awards Committee;  4) By-Laws & Organization Committee;  5) Education Committee;  6) Finance Committee;  7) Membership Committee;  8) Nominating Committee; 9) Publications Advisory Committee.

Section 3.  Ad hoc CommitteesAd hoc committees may be created as needed by the Director or by a resolution of a majority of the ESC.  Each such committee will have the functions, membership, and duration specified in the resolution creating the committee.

Article VI:  Publications

Section 1.  Journal.  The scientific journal of ID-RS is Dose-Response (“the Journal”).  It is a peer-reviewed quarterly electronic journal encompassing all aspects of biological dose-response relationships. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal is authorized to appoint other editors as needed to perform the functions of the Journal. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for maintaining the quality of peer review and the acceptance of manuscripts for publication in the Journal.  The Editor-in-Chief serves as a member of the ESC.  Vacancies for the position of Editor-in-Chief will be filled by the Director in consultation with the ESC.

Section 2.  E-Newsletter.  The ID-RS e-Newsletter is the BELLE Newsletter (Biological Effects of Low-Lever Exposure (www.BELLEOnline.com) and presents scientific information of interest to the membership. Responsibility for the production of the ID-RS Newsletter resides in the offices of the Director of ID-RS at UMass.

Section 3.  Publication policy.  All ID-RS members receive both the electronic Journal and the ID-RS e-Newsletter.    ID-RS may undertake the production of other publications following notification and/or discussion with the ESC.  The Editor-in-Chief of the journal will provide an annual summary to the ESC of journal related activities including papers submitted/rejected, the peer-review process, length of time from submittal to publication, and recognition/status/influence of the journal.

Article VII:  Awards

ID-RS recognizes deserving individuals for distinguished scientific achievement through the International Dose-Response Society Award.  The award is made in acknowledgment of outstanding scientific contributions providing insights into the biological actions of chemicals or radiation at low doses.

Article VIII:  Membership dues

Section 1: Fixing of Dues.  Dues were set in 2005 at $125 (US) per year for Individual Membership, $75 for Emeritus Membership, $10 for Student Membership, and $75 for former student members in their first three years after completion of a degree program.  (In 2007 two-year membership options were added at $225 per two-year Individual Membership, $125 for two-year Emeritus Membership, and $15 for two-year Student Membership.)  An annual contribution of $1000 or more to ID-RS qualifies a contributor for the status of Sustaining Member and an annual contribution of $5000 or more to ID-RS qualifies a contributor for the status of Corporate Sponsor.

Section 2:  Payment of Dues.  Dues for each calendar year are payable to ID-RS on or before March 1 of the calendar year to which the dues apply.  A reminder notice will be sent to all members at the end of the preceding calendar year.  Any member whose dues are unpaid by March 1 will be so notified.  If such member’s dues remain unpaid beyond June 30, he/she will no longer be considered a member.

Article IX:  Finances

Section 1: Fiscal Year and Financial Management.  The fiscal year of ID-RS will correspond to that of UMass.  ID-RS will maintain financial records and operate in compliance with the management standards of UMass.

Section 2: Financial Statement.  The cost of operating the ID-RS will be provided to the ESC, including reasonable estimated annual revenues.  This will be summarized and shared on an annual basis with the ESC.

Section 3: Gifts.  The Director, Managing Director, or ESC may accept on behalf of ID-RS any contribution, gift, or bequest for the general purpose of ID-RS or for a special purpose of ID-RS, contingent upon compatibility of the gift with the policies of UMass.

Article X:  IHS By-Laws

Section 1:  Establishment of Provisional By-Laws. These provisional by-laws were approved by the ESC on November 29th, 2005 to permit the efficient operation of ID-RS in its formative stages.

Section 2:  Amendments to By-Laws.  Amendments to the by-laws may be proposed by any member of the ESC at an ESC meeting or by a petition signed by ten members of ID-RS at any time.  Such a petition will be acted upon at the next meeting of the ESC and, if approved by two-thirds of the ESC, the amendment is adopted.  At the discretion of the Director, the ESC may be polled electronically in the interval between ESC meetings.

Article XI:  Dissolution

Section 1:  Dissolution.  ID-RS may be dissolved and its assets disbursed by a two-thirds vote of the ESC.
