2007 Conference

2007 Conference
Implications for Toxicology, Medicine, and Risk Assessment

May 1 – 2, 2007




2007 Outstanding Leadership: Sadao Hattori, PhD2007 Outstanding Leadership: Sadao Hattori, PhD

At the forefront of hormesis, for over 20 years Sadao Hattori has been a proponent of the hormetic effect of radiation. Having done extensive research in radiation hormesis and encouraging his colleagues to focus their studies in this direction as well, Dr. Hattori’s extensive work, research, and lectures have been instrumental in bringing an ...

2007 Outstanding New Investigator: Nina Cedergreen, PhD2007 Outstanding New Investigator: Nina Cedergreen, PhD

Nina Cedergreen was born in the western part of Denmark in 1969. In 1989 she began her Masters studies in biology at the University of Århus, Denmark, and completed her degree in 1997 with a M.Sc. in Ecological Plant Physiology. In January 2001, she defended her Ph.D. in plant adaptation to multiple stresses ...

2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Erno Tyihak, PhD2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Erno Tyihak, PhD

Ernő Tyihák is a scientific adviser at Plant Protection Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and lecturer at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (for chromatography, mainly overpressured layer chromatography, OPLC) as well as honorary professor at Szeged Science University, Szeged, Hungary. He is candidate of chemical sciences (PhD degree) (1978) in biochemistry and ...

2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Ronald E. J. Mitchel, PhD2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Ronald E. J. Mitchel, PhD

Ron Mitchel was granted his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and was subsequently awarded a postdoctoral fellowship in the UCLA School of Medicine’s Department of Biochemistry. He then returned to Canada and joined the Radiation Biology & Health Physics Branch of Atomic Energy of Canada in Chalk River ...

2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Edouard Alexandre Azzam, PhD2007 Outstanding Career Achievement: Edouard Alexandre Azzam, PhD

Edouard Azzam earned his Ph.D. degree in Radiation Biology from the University of Ottawa (Canada) in 1995. During his post-graduate studies and subsequent research career, he focused on characterizing the effects of low dose/low fluence ionizing radiation in normal human cells. He has shown that biological effects at low doses cannot be predicted from ...
