Incorporation of Mode of Action Understanding of Hormesis into Dose Response Assessment
Lynne Haber, Andrew Maier, and Michael Dourson, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA). [PDF]
Lynne Haber, Andrew Maier, and Michael Dourson, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA). [PDF]
Helmut Schöllnberger, Ronald E.J. Mitchel, Salzburg University, Institute of Physics and Biophysics. [PDF]
Charles Sanders and Bobby Scott, Texas A & M Research Foundation. [PDF]
Ludwig E. Feinendegen, Myron Pollycove, Ronald D. Neumann. [PDF]
Kazuo Sakai, Low Dose Radiation Research Center, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. [PDF]
Doug Boreham, Medical Physics and Applied Radiation Sciences, McMaster University, Radiation Biology Laboratory. [PDF]
Les Redpath, Department of Radiation Oncology, UC Irvine. [PDF]
Tanya Day, Guoxin Zeng, Antony Hooker, Madhava Bhat, David Turner and Pamela Sykes, Flinders University & Medical Center. [PDF]
Carmel Mothersill, Colin Seymour, Medical Physics and Applied Radiation Sciences, McMaster University. [PDF]
Shoji Fukushima, M.D., Osaka City University Medical School, Department of Pathology, Japan Bioassay Research Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association. [PDF]