2007 Presentations
It’s Time for a New Low-Dose Radiation Risk Assessment Paradigm – One That Acknowledges Hormesis
Bobby R Scott, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute. [PDF]
Exploring the Mechanisms of the Radioadaptive Response the Radioadaptive Response
Dr. Brenda Rodgers, Texas Tech University, Biological Sciences. [PDF]
Evidence for Radiation Hormesis in Human Lymphocytes
Kanokporn Noy Rithidech and Bobby R. Scott, Pathology Department, Stony Brook University & Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute. [PDF]
Low Doses, Cross Adaption and Multiple Stressors
R.E.J. Mitchel, M. Stuart, and T.L. Yankovich. [PDF]
Biological Stress Response Terminology: Integrating the Concepts of Adaptive Response and Preconditioning Stress Within a Hormetic Dose-Response Framework
Calabrese EJ, Bachmann KA, Bailer AJ, Bolger PM, Borak J, Cai L, Cedergreen N, Cherian MG, Chiueh CC, Clarkson TW, Cook RR, Diamond DM, Doolittle DJ, Dorato MA, Duke SO, Feinendegen L, Gardner DE, Hart Clarkson TW, Cook RR, Diamond DM, Doolittle DJ, Dorato MA, Duke SO, Feinendegen L, Gardner DE, Hart RW, Hastings KL, […]
Targeted Radiotherapy: MicroGray Doses and the Bystander Effect
Robert J. Mairs, Natasha E. Fullerton, Michael R. Zalutsky, and Marie Boyd, Targeted Therapy Group, CRUK Beatson Labs, Dept of Radiology, Duke University. [PPT]
HORMESIS: Dermatologic Opportunities and Options
Haw-Yueh (Kelly) Thong, Howard Maibach, Department of Dermatology, University of California. [PDF]
Non-Monotonic Dose-Toxicity Effects and Behavioral Function: Low-Dose Impairments from Developmental Pesticide Exposure
Edward D. Levin, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center. [PDF]
Biological Properties in Genes for Low-Dose Regulation of the Embryonic Transcriptome
University of Louisville, Birth Defects Center, Systems Analysis Laboratory. [PDF]